Wednesday, May 2, 2012

42)Spatial Puzzles

This picture shows space with transparency of the different colors.

23)Unity with Variety

This picture shows unity with the closeness of each cloth and variety by showing different colors and sizes.


This structure shows idealism with its conscious attempt to discover the ideal proportions of the human body. It is ideal to show perfection.

46)Illusion of Motion by Multiple Image

This image shows illusion of motion by using multiple pictures of a man riding on a horse. The different pictures shows the different motions the horse and man are taking.

44)Illusion of Motion by Repeated Figure

This picture shows an illusion of motion by the repeated figure of the golf club. The illusion of the motion of the person swinging a golf club is expressed.

43)Anticipated Motion

This picture shows the anticipated motion of this snow leopard. The leopard seems to be awaiting an attack on its prey.

41)Multiple Perspective

Multiple perspective is shown in this picture. The multiple objects and faces are combined. The head of this photo gives a confusing shape.

38)Illusion of Space by Aerial Perspective

This photo gives the illusion of space by aerial perspective. The further the mountain hills get, the grayer they become.

40)Amplified Perspective

This photo shows a visual image in a special view. The visual effect of the tree seems to be the view of a person standing under a tall tree while looking up. The special view of this photo gives it its amplified perspective.

35)Scale Confusion

This artwork shows a great deal of scale confusion. The scale change is unsettling due to the fact that the little boy seems much larger than the boat and its background. Much of the things in this photo doesnt seem to make sense.

29)Emphasis by Isolation

This picture shows emphasis by isolation. The one little boy that is sitting down is isolated from the rest of his friends in the photo. The little boy that is alone, grabs my attention rather than the other kids.

28)Emphasis by Contrast

This artwork describes emphasis by contrast. The yellow contrast of one of the object stands out rather than its background that has the same thing going on.

27)Crystallographic Balance

This photo shows an all over pattern. This work shows and equal emphasis over the whole picture while having the repetition of the same thing.

26)Radial Balance

This picture describes radial balance. The central element is the core of the flower, while having the lines of the leaves come to that direct point. The emphasis results the focus of the middle of the flower.

22)Unity Through Continuity

This photo shows unity through continuity by showing the relationship of one design with another. The gride framework helps to show its unity through continuity.

21)Unity through Continuation

This image is an example of unity through continuation. The flowing of the lines and the way they connect shows its unity. The continuaiton of the lines are also shown by different line values.

19)Unity Through Proximity

This picture shows unity through proximity by putting the different objects and characters close together.

17)Not Tactile Texture

This image does NOT show any form of tactile texture. There is nothing about this photo that you can seem to actually feel. It is more of an explanation of pop art rather than image that shows texture.

17)Tactile Texture

This painting shows a texture that can be felt. This artist used thick painting of the light brown curved lines.

14)Curvilinear Shapes

This drawing shows a great explanation about Curvilinear lines and shapes. The artist drew curvy lines for the branches of the tree, which gives the wavy effect. The continuous curving lines are shown with detail and different colors.

13)Rectilinear Shapes

The image defines rectilinear shapes by giving the visual effect of all the lines having angles while giving a sharp look. These shapes are percise and executed.

12)Nonobjective Shapes

This image is the shows shapes that has no object reference and no subject matter, making these shapes nonobjective. The difference in colors also helps to show the shapes.


In this photo the artist uses distortion by purposely changing the structure of the eiffel tower. This photo contains great exaggeration.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

18)Visual Texture

The image is an example of visual texture. The texture of the image seem to be rough and hard texture.

45)Illusion by Blurred Outline

The blurred outline of the ends of the girls hair give the illusion of motion as if she was moving her hair and head. The blurring outline helps to show this illusion.

7)Lost and Found Contour

The picture shows the lost and found of the contour lines in this photo, bc the lines disappear but reappear around the two men. Their is a body thats on the ground which you can tell because of some of the lines that appear.


This picture shows naturalism by the artist choice of colors and realness of the pictures nature.

30)Emphasis of Placement

The placement of the red glass rose helps to show and give the picture emphasis.

39)Illusion of Space by Linear Perspective

The illusion of space is shown by the image linear perspective. The straight lines coming to a point at middle of the photo helps to show the illusion and direction of space.

37)Illusion of Space by Vertical Line Location

The vertical line location of this photo helps give the illusion from a person point of view.

25)Asymmetrical Balance

The many different shapes and lines that are all cluttered together gives it an asymmetrical balance. Even though all of the obejects and lines are all scattered they are all balanced together.

24)Symmetrical Balance

The symmetrical balance of this photo, is parted from the invisible vertical line which the shapes and objects are repeated on both sides.

34)Alternating Rhythm

The alternating rhythm of this picture, is the successive pattern of the design reappearing in regular order.

32)Absence of Focal Pont

Due to no change in value, there is no focal point in this picture.

33)Progressive Rhythm

The shapes of the wooden fence, show the progression of the rhythm through the fence. The shape of the wood is being repeated in the order of progression.

31)Degree of Emphasis

The degree of emphasis of this picture leads to its focal point. The focal point in this picture is the white, tiny circle that in the middle of the photo, which is the moon.

20)Unity through Repititon

The different faces repeats, with a variety of differnt colors, which each face that is repeated has a relation to each other.

36)Illusion of Space by Overlapping

The surrounding space of the objects that are compacted toward the center of the image effects the mood.

16)Value as Emphasis

This picture is showing the lightness and darkness, which can lead you to focus on the center of the picture, were its lighter.

15)Value as Pattern

The lightness and darkness of the colors in this picture gives its value. The pattern is of different lines that are compacted together.


Shows emphasis on the edges and gives a clear definite statement. It simplifies its form and ignore details.

6)Line as Value

The method of cross-hatching is shown in this picture, which gives the picture its value. You can notice the lightness and darkness this picture shows, and the density of the lines.

5)Gesture Line

These lines shows an estimation of mass that also is giving an expression of motion. The motion of this picture seems to show a girl dancing.

4)Contour Line

This pictures shows the outlining of a females body withouht including the depth and mass of the actual female body. These are contour lines, giving a sketch of the outlining of a body.

3)Line as Emotion

You can grasp the emotion of the mother that she had to her child. You can also grasp a sense of love and peacefulness.

2)Line Direction

The lines in this picture are vertical, which gives the picture more potential activity. These jagged lines are going in a downward motion toward the ground.

1)Line as Shape

 This picture contains line, that gives reasoning to the shapes that are shown.